Tokyo City Pop

The first time we went to Japan in 2019, it was this big trip with my high school barkada (and plus-ones). We went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara, all within a span of eight days. The itinerary was jam-packed, similar to our luggage, almost teeming at the seams. We had checklists, maps, back-up routes, bus tickets, train tickets, screenshots, URL links - all saved, booked, and ready.
This trip was nothing like that. 

After the stress and burden of planning a wedding, the last thing I wanted was the stress and burden of planning a honeymoon. So while we knew we absolutely wanted to go back to Japan, (we got a multiple entry visa in 2020) we delayed buying tickets, laid off watching vlogs, and generally only listed down 3 "must-go" items on our list. The rest of the trip - all seven days of it - we were very much prepared to just go where the cold Tokyo wind took us. 

It's strange and fascinating how easily we can acclimatize to a place when we're traveling. I had only been to Tokyo once before, but easily upon arrival, the city felt so strangely familiar. My legs knew where to go, my eyes knew where to find the exits, my gut didn't carry as much hesitation. Maybe it's because Japan is a much safer place compared to Manila. But I've been to many other foreign cities before, and none felt as easily comfortable as this. 

Perhaps it has a lot to do with being with Louie this time around. I'm more used to traveling alone or with a larger group (like family or friends). Traveling with just one person with me? Strange but comforting. 

I tend to make quick decisions when I'm with Louie, and luckily, when I do, I don't often miss the mark. Or at least, not by far. The whole trip was just either of us taking turns leading, Googling quickly our next destination, exploring what was in front of us, and stopping to eat anywhere that smelled great. (And drinking beer any time we felt like it!) 

Of course, we didn't just aimlessly wander around all week. We did have plans!!! But it did feel nice to "wing" most of the trip. If it's a foreshadowing of what’s to come in our marriage, then I'm both relieved and excited. 


Most of the trip was us just "unlocking" places for the inner child in us. We were thrilled to visit Disney Sea, explore the Tokyo Museum of Science, shop for Pokemon toys and Tamagotchi, visit the Warner Bros' Harry Potter studio tour (disclaimer: booooo JK Rowling though), stroll leisurely around Jimbocho book town, and look for quirky secondhand items to display in our house. (And basically buy everything we could fit into our luggage from Don Quijote!)

Can't wait to go back. Searching for our next flight, as we speak. Will share some photos soon!

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